What is beauty?

Beauty isn't just in appearances,  

It's in the kindness we share,  

In the smiles that light up a room,  

And in the gentle touch of care.

It's the strength to forgive,  

And the courage to love once more,  

It's finding hope in the darkest times,  

And opening every door.

Beauty is in the little things,  

A soft word, a helping hand,  

In the way we make others feel,  

And the way we understand.

It's calling the overlooked beautiful,  

Seeing their essence shine bright,  

Beyond what the eyes can see,  

In the purest, truest light.

So, ask me what beauty is again,  

And I'll say it's all these things,  

The love, the strength, the kindness,  

And the joy that it brings.

-Aiswarrea 11E
