Winners of Poetry slam

These are the winning poems of the poetry slam competition hosted recently by the Reading club core.

The winner of round 1-


The time has come, the time is here. 
It's my prime time and no one shall stop me now! 
I'll do everything I have ever desired
I'll do them even if I'm tired.

I'm not gonna stop now, 
I'm not gonna stop ever, 
I'll pull the lever no matter what! 

The golden hour is here, the golden hour was always everywhere, 
Because of my constant feeling I can't, I never did.

But that time is gone, that time will never come back
Because I now lack an excuse , 
For not doing nothing at all.

-Alankrita 7-F

The winner of round 2-


All the things about autumn,
oh so serene. Covered in Maple leaves,
the footpath for taking a leisurely
stroll, A peaceful mind and a cosy heart.

Oh dear autumn, you are so awesome.
Autumn is the transition from the
hot summer days to winters chilly embrace.

Oh dear autumn, you are so wholesome.
The mind blowing sunsets along
with the cosy evenings in
front of the warm bonfire.

A magical time round' three months,
I wish you weren't gone so soon.
This season with few festivals,
a really nice way to say thank you,
to the bountiful harvest in thanksgiving.

After thanksgiving comes something
that gives you chills. Some people
call it 'Devil's Day'. Why yes,
tis' Halloween.

Everything about autumn is so awesome.
The enchanting season, so wholesome.

-Ayaanshi Yadav 7-F
