The Forgotten Child

 In the shadows of others' dreams,

I lost myself, a silent scream.

The world's weight pressed upon my chest,

As I suffocated under their expectations' nest.

On one hand the worries of the world,

And on the other mine. 

They wanted me to forget and be fine. 

One day when everyone disappears,

Ill ask myself,

"What did I hold near and dear?"

and quiet I will lay,

for putting others first never really saved the day.

From the shadows, a figure will appear,

It will ask, "Was it worth the pain?"

And I'll search for tears, but find only rain.

With no luck, 

I'll return to the world,

for my disappearance matters,

my reasons and problems are just a forgotten flame.

But in the quiet moments, when the moonlight shines, I'll recall,

The dreams I sacrificed, the love I fought so hard for,

Was it worth it all? 

A lonely soul and a happy face,

the world calls this tragedy a 'solace'.

With no time to spare,

I return to the world,

for their problems, I have to bear,

and in the end,

They thank someone else,

Pretending I was never there.

But I'll know the truth, and I'll hold it with care.

-Ananya Mishra 
