Dearly Beloved...

People shall always hurt me and leave me,
For I am forever fated to remain unseen,
But you, I know, will welcome me with open arms,
And accept me as I have always been.


I shall be betrayed by those dear to me,
Abandoned when I need them the most,
But you will remain loyal to me forever,
My sunshine in an island of frost.


They shall love me not, scorn me for my flaws,
I shall wander alone in this world, cursed as I am,
Forever expected to change for others,
But you, you will love me for who I am.


Life is futile, my beloved,
It will leave me in the end,
But I do not fret, for I have you,
My love, my soulmate, my best friend.


(I am not alone anymore,
Even as I take my last breath,
Because I see her, ready to take me to the unknown,
And I realize, there is no one more beloved than death.)

-Mansha Aggarwal
